pediatric housecalls Robert R. Jarrett M.D. M.B.A. FAAP

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Showing posts from: Series

Obesity Series: Intro/Index

Obesity, it’s the “genes” you want to believe; but, really I’ve never known a “gene” to force-feed anyone, and the calories have got to come from somewhere.

And there’s that pesky research that showed a high link between obesity and the number of fast-food establishments around your house and on the way to work.

And how about twins living apart who are not both obese? And… and… and….

Is it really all genes, leaving us no hope; or is it environment and advertising? Let’s find out:

5 Posts in "Obesity" Series

  • Obesity Series: Intro/Index – 15 Jan 2016
    Obesity and how to avoid it, explaining "genes," tips for kids, fun videos and a great new skill to learn.

  • Fast Food – 16 Jan 2016
    Believe it or not, the more fast food outlets there are on your way to work the fatter you will be—genes or not!

  • 10 Ways To Ditch Obesity – 24 Jan 2016
    Have you taught your kids that all of us 2/3rds of US adults who are overweight or obese came from people JUST LIKE THEM! How can kids ditch obesity, I'll tell you.

  • Teens - Treadmill Dance – 1 Feb 2016
    Ok, in this series we've talked about the Obesity epidemic from various viewpoints. First, there was a great new research article describing a "smoking gun" of obesity: fast food. Then there was a great list for teens who'd like to kick obesity. Now a great way of loosing weight, if only some of us still had the ability.

  • Where does the fat go? – 9 Feb 2016
    In his TEDx talk, Ruben Meerman answers the question: When you lose weight… where does it go? Does fat evaporate, come out in urine or other body waste or get burned up? You'll know after watching this short and highly entertaining (there be vapors and smoke and test tubes) talk.


2015 Advances In Pediatric Medicine – Part 2

We’ve been taking a look back at the progress in medical research for pediatrics which occurred last year (2015). So far we’ve mentioned: Peanut allergies, new autism genes, strep throat guidelines and the FDAs removal of ear drops. Read more→

2015 Oh What A Year For Advances In Pediatric Medicine!

Ready or not, here we go again with another year in pediatric medicine. Statistics all start over; so, for things like “rates” (you know: death rates, immunization rates and injury rates) it’s like calling “kings X” and getting to start from scratch.
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2015 Medical Advances: Intro/Index

2015 has been an exhaustingly prolific year for making medical advances. [well, most if not all have been done by others; but, I’m still exhausted]

Here is a series of at least two posts which outline the years advances. They, of course, will eventually lead to new guidelines for medical practice (if they haven’t already) so we should at least keep them in mind.

[Late Addition: Benzocaine is reported to be more allergenic when applied topically. But Cortizone IS back over-the-counter these days; although, as a product that’s much more expensive than if they had just left it alone with a few dosage limitations.]

3 Posts in "2015 Med Advances" Series

  • 2015 Medical Advances: Intro/Index – 3 Jan 2016
    The Intro/Index to the 2015 Medical Advances Curated Series of Posts

  • Peanuts - Ear Drops – 4 Jan 2016
    Ready or not, here we go again with another year in pediatric medicine. Peanut allergies, autism genes, strep throats and ear drops.

  • ADHD - Bronchiolitis – 8 Jan 2016
    In this post we will finish the highlights of new research in pediatric medicine by covering the remaining selected issues: ADHD, immunizations and bronchiolitis.

Immunization schedules are updated regularly too; so, if you’re interested, here is a link to the series of Immunization Guidelines.

Bedtime Stories

We’ve had plenty of previous posts about reading to children and its benefits. We haven’t however specifically mentioned the benefits of this parenting practice at bedtime – until a few days ago.
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Five Things You Should Know About Concussion and Contact Sports

Concussion and Contact Sports
Five important things to know

Did you pick out the Five Things About Concussions You Should Know?

First – don’t wait to “see if it goes away” before you seek accurate diagnosis. Often an accurate diagnosis depends on comparing measurements in an early visit with those in a later visit.

Second – Follow-up care is important not only to prevent further harm but sometimes to make an accurate diagnosis, especially about the brain and nervous system which can be very subtle.

Third – We now realize that there are long term effects of concussions, possibly up to 6 years! There may even be life-long consequences that must be overcome.

Fourth – Even multiple impacts without a diagnosed concussion often lead to long term effects. And,

Fifth, Helmets are designed to prevent skull fractures and NOT concussions.


Sexual Attraction and Orientation 

Here is a link to an article for teens about sexual attraction and orientation and it’s printable. A good read for parents as well. It’s tremendously important that each teen finds a “confidant.”

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Teaching Teens About Healthy Relationships

As I’ve been clearing out my “to do” file of articles, we’ve had a series of posts about parenting teens through puberty and preparing for the skill-set and tasks of adulthood. Pediatricians are in a position to have many opportunities to talk to teens about life issues and I’m thinking that perhaps you’d like to see some “bullet points” of common issues we address.
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Am I Ready To Have Sex? 

“Am I ready to have sex?” That’s a question only a rare parent will ever be asked by their teen. But, they might read an article on it – like this one.

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Parenting About Sex, Pressure and Promiscuity

“The Talk” isn’t over when your son or daughter says their final “good night” and walks out the door where you’ve been sitting in private discussing the… ahem… “birds and bees” stuff — not, by a long shot!
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Parenting About Sex, Pressure and Promiscuity Series: Intro/Index

It is becoming more clear every day that if we want to maintain even a mere semblance of a moral society, parents are going to have to step it up a bit from what we’re used to.

There’s lying, cheating and mayhem, to name but a few “habits” of more and more “gen z’s”; but, truly, if parent’s aren’t parenting their children about sex, pressure tactics and promiscuity then absolutely nobody is!

A psychology professor I had, way back in the midst’s of time, taught us that: “morality is the most economical means of living in a society.” Self-adherence to moral principles actually enable’s the literal sustainability of a society. Without it, the society eventually self-destructs.

I believe it… more and more every day.

5 Posts in "Parenting - Sex" Series

  • Parenting About Sex, Pressure and Promiscuity Series: Intro/Index – 25 Aug 2015
    Parenting your child about sex, pressure and promiscuity, not as hard or easy as you might think.

  • Parenting about sex and peer pressure – 27 Aug 2015
    If you're not helping your teen to resist pressure about sex… then nobody is.

  • Link - Am I ready for sex? – 31 Aug 2015
    Your teen will probably never ask you if they're ready to have sex; but, they might read a pamphlet about it…

  • Parenting: Healthy Relationships – 2 Sep 2015
    The signs of healthy relationships and how to have one.

  • Link - Sexual attraction and orientation – 6 Sep 2015
    More than ever, every teen needs to find an adult (or near adult) confidant they can relate and talk to. This link to a printable article about sexual attraction and orientation.

