pediatric housecalls Robert R. Jarrett M.D. M.B.A. FAAP

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Recent News



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Showing posts from: Recent News

Summer Injury Alert – The Top 11

A summer injury is best to be avoided if we want to make the most of the sun, fun and time out of school. Fortunately, most all of the common ones are preventable if we are but forewarned and take a few precautions.
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Concussion Management and Return to Learn

Pediatric Concussion Management
Getting Back in the “Game”

This video is another one of Dr. Mike Evans productions where he explains in clear language what a concussion is and how it is treated. More specifically how a child should help themselves heal so they can have the best chance of returning to full activity levels – always the goal.

It is an updated version of his previous video (still available) which includes all the new information we’ve learned about the topic over the last several years of player observation and research – and that’s a lot!

You’ll also note that this post adds to the growing collection of articles I’ve written in this series about concussion in children and teens; which not only reflects the fact that concussion makes up a huge percentage of cases of morbidity and death in the US, but that it’s also largely preventable and therefore unnecessary – as well as one of the hottest topics in medical research these days. Give all of them a look-see, the links are in the box below.

[The web site has more information or, better yet, you can contact your own school’s administration for information about your local return to learning policies.]

Puberty, Acne and Beyond – Most Internet Information Wrong

It’s called Acne Vulgaris, and for most children in the throws of the crisis called Puberty the name pretty much sums up how they feel about it. It is the most common skin disease of any and pretty much hits 80% of us at some time or another.

The issue is that our skin has “pilosebaceous units” all over it, made up of a hair Read more →

Mythbusters: Does This Cause Cancer?

Merely “living life” these days has become something like walking through a mine field just trying to exist and avoid all the known pitfalls to your basic health – UV, asbestos, benzene and on and on.

We just get rid of tobacco and the horses’ proctums weasel in E-Cigaretts through Read more →

Concussions 101, a Primer for Kids and Parents

Concussion 101
a Primer For Kids and Parents

The “Concussions 101” title is used by Dr. Mike Evans for his short video because it covers the basic information that kids and their parents need to understand when they’ve had a concussion – sort of like the “101” courses you take in college do.

Dr. Evans is a “family practitioner” – [we pediatricians don’t hold that against him] – who has a way with little video segments and has “hit the nail on the head”[oops, poor analogy, sorry] – with this short summary.

Oh, this is not the complicated medical stuff that we doctors worry about; it’s merely three of the things which are sometimes considered so “simple” that nobody thinks to talk to you about them!

  1. We don’t wanna make things worse – we follow “return to activity” protocols to prevent life-long secondary damage.
  2. We can’t predict from the beginning what will happen or how you will do – “we have to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.”
  3. Communication – people presume you’re ok because they can’t see your brain; so, you need to be clear and honest about how you’re feeling.

Your brain is You. Everything you’ve gotten good at is stored in there; all your memories, all your skills for figuring things out for school or life are built into your brain.

Take care of your awesome brain after your concussion!

Pediatric Brain Injury – Improved Outcome With Early Nutrition

Ok, this is technically just bizarre and I’m not sure how to really present it; BUT, this issue about brain injury is just so compelling and important (if it’s true) that it clearly must not go unsaid.

The bizarreness comes because a “back-door” finding in a “brain injury and hypothermia” study showed a substantial finding about an “un-related” issue: feeding!
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Talking To Girls About Menstruation

Talking To Girls About Periods, Menstruation and Hygiene
Being “period positive”

It’s been so long ago now that most current young parents probably don’t even remember all the fal-de-rah that occurred in this country (US) back when “sex-education” was introduced into the official school curriculum.

Now it’s so official in the U.S. school system that most everywhere it has changed from the original “opt-in” side-bar to a teachers lesson plan into a fully-integrated, several-day portion of the curriculum only avoided by taking “opt-out” methods through official protocols.

Completely leaving out parental rights and religious issues, not discussing puberty issues with children robs them of a chance to prepare, avoid embarrassment and, as in the case of menstruation, take steps to practice adequate menstrual hygiene and avoid illness and serious complications.

Aditi Gupta, a native of India, knows all too well these current issues and described them in her current TED talk revealing that three out of ten Indian girls still don’t know about the issue at the time of their own first period. “In some areas,” she said, “it’s as high as 9 out of 10!”

Her talk was about what she and others are currently doing to break the taboo and destructive customs in her home country and around the developing world.

She advises parents that: “if YOU are ashamed about your period then your daughter will be too. Be ‘period positive’.”

Teens, Doctors, Texting and Medical Care

Most of my generation’s doctors almost never text, especially about patients and their medical problems; On the other hand, it seems that teens never quit texting. Is there a land somewhere in the middle where a use for texting lives with doctors and patient care? Yep!
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The Single Best Health Drink: Water

The “health drink” industry tops billions of dollars each year of our money; but, very little of it is the best there is. And the best there is needs only to cost you very little if anything – and doesn’t come in a package of any kind, especially those that depend on the oil or chemical industry.

Watching this video will show just how available this drink is, how little it costs and how much it will help your body.

Cell Phone Use and Brain Tumor

How long has it been now since there was a big deal made by the press about cell phone use causing cancer? Ten years? More? I honestly don’t remember; but, it’s been quite awhile. And what was the Answer? Did they ever say?
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