pediatric housecalls Robert R. Jarrett M.D. M.B.A. FAAP

Hello, and welcome to Pediatric House Calls. I am…
A Physician board certified in Pediatric medicine with Clinical experience including caring for infants, children and teens – well these days mostly children and teens up to twenty-one;
An Administrator experienced in top medical management for several national health insurance companies;
An Author of health care manuals, newspaper columns and even children's stories;
A Business Medical Consultant for drug companies, insurance companies and physician practices;
A Veteran of the US Navy in the Vietnam era;
I make House-Calls.

Parenting: Never Trust Newborns

This article about never trusting the Newborn to do the expected is the ninth in a series of guest posts from a pediatrician I’ve never met but have bonded with over sharing ideas, opinions and experiences; including having a penchant for medical blogging. His URL is up for sale, and I’ve lost track of him, but his content will be here for safe keeping until he wants them back.
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Parenting: How To Give Medicine To A Child

This fun article on giving your child their medicine is the eighth in a series of guest posts from a pediatrician I’ve never met but have bonded with over shared ideas, opinions and experiences; including having a penchant for medical blogging. His URL is up for sale, and I’ve lost track of him, but his content will be here for safe keeping until he wants them back.
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Parenting: Talk To Strangers

“The sad thing is,” says Kio Stark, “that in many parts of the world we are raised to believe that strangers are dangerous by DEfault, we can’t trust them, they might hurt us. But most strangers aren’t dangerous, we’re uneasy around them… we don’t know what their intentions are. So, instead of using our perceptions and making choices, we rely on this category of ‘STRANGER.'”

“I know that not every person on the street has the best intentions. It is good to be friendly and it’s good to learn when not to be; but, none of that means we have to be afraid.” And, in the long run WE LOOSE.

See the video…

Parenting: Draw your own circles

[Guest Author] This article on Families is the sixth in a series of guest posts from a pediatrician I’ve never met but have bonded with over shared ideas, opinions and experiences; including having a penchant for medical blogging.
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Parenting: Toilet Training Is Not a Parenting Test

[Guest Author] This article on Toilet Training, is the fifth in a series of guest posts from a pediatrician I’ve never actually met but have “bonded” with because of shared ideas, opinions, experiences and philosophies—including having a penchant for medical blogging.
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Teenagers: Maturing and “THE Talk”

[Guest Author] This article on having “THE sex talk” or sex education, is the fourth in a series of guest posts from a pediatrician I’ve never met but have bonded with over shared ideas, opinions and experiences; including having a penchant for medical blogging. This article on talking to children about sex is something that I’ve written about too, several times; it’s that important in the scheme of childrearing.
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