pediatric housecalls Robert R. Jarrett M.D. M.B.A. FAAP

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Showing posts from: FAQ

Boxers, Briefs or Commando??

[An “almost 16” year old boy out on a church group date is set about by a girl he likes and a couple of her friends who ask him what type of underwear he wears, boxers, briefs or commando. Having a good relationship with his doctor’s office he texted their “answer-line” to see if there was a particular type that might be better. He really hasn’t given it too much thought and basically just picks “the top one out of the drawer that’s clean that still fits” out of many Christmas and Birthday gifts from the past.

His doctor, a friend of mine, was a bit perplexed about how to answer, so I offered to take a stab at it on the blog.]
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Adenoidectomy – Speech

[A mother researched the internet to find information that led her to refuse an adenoidectomy when her son had “tubes” in his eardrums due to chronic infections. Now other doctors are recommending the same thing and asks for yet another “opinion” about what she should do. She also claims she’s worried about the hospital being “clean” and wants to go into the operating room with him because she’s a nurses aid.]

Spinal Taps in Children

[Mother confused about headaches and wonders if her fussy daughter is having headaches from her spinal tap as an infant.]

Leg Cramps In Children

[A grandma wonders about her grandson’s leg cramps which his doctor couldn’t diagnose with a ‘blood test.’]
