pediatric housecalls Robert R. Jarrett M.D. M.B.A. FAAP

Showing posts from: March 2015

Best Thing You Can Do For Someone In The NICU 

[Site is active but the page I wanted you to see has been taken down. Really sorry, it was a great story.] Perhaps you’ve had a baby in the newborn intensive care unit (NICU); or, perhaps you’ve had a friend in that situation. If so, you’ve probably had a chance to contemplate the varied needs a parent experiences.

How do you be a friend for someone in the NICU? Here are some possibilities and a novel approach to a “virtual baby shower.”
[Page no longer active – which makes me sorry, you should have seen it in it’s day! Now just a generic help page]

Respiratory Hazards of Wood Stoves

What do pilgrim and pioneer children have in common with aborigines in the highlands of New Guinea, hamsters, and some children living in "progressive" homes of today?

The answer? Read more→

Breastfeeding and Human Milk

One of the most common topics for medical articles these days (besides immunizations) is breast feeding. There’s really a lot of them. It’s almost like people are trying to make a point.
Read more→

Breastfeeding Series: Intro/Index

The most recent research into children’s growth and development these days has given rise to changes in the way we think of nutrition.

Frankly, for those of us with… ahem, a bit of experience, our better tools to measure outcomes have produced findings that are a bit startling; especially as it relates to breastfeeding.

Pediatricians, at least all that I know, have always considered “Breast Is Best” but infant formulas were acceptable alternatives. Then, formulas got even better and better as our understanding of nutrition improved. Then, advances in mass data sharing and long term follow-up studies came into being.

Now, we understand better (in the long term) what some of the benefits are. Bottom line, the topic deserves a series of its own, and begins with reporting the results of an extensive study into the benefits of breastfeeding.

3 Posts in "Breastfeeding" Series

  • Breastfeeding Series: Intro/Index – 14 Mar 2015
    A collection of posts about breastfeeding: latest research, advantages, methods and practical tips.

  • Research findings – 16 Mar 2015
    Breastfeeding vs. Bottlefeeding - latest research, advantages and disadvantages. Suggestions and tips.

  • Recommendations and standards – 24 Mar 2015
    Continuing from the previous article we’ll conclude today with a fairly comprehensive listing of new recommendations. Apparently, more benefits than previously realized; and, frankly, a bit startling.

Protecting Our Tomorrows: Geddes Portraits of Meningitis

Meet Mackenzie Cooper from Sydney, Australia who contracted meningitis when he was 3 years old. Anne photographed him and his family when he was 10. He’s now 11 (2015). If there is difficulty viewing the content from youTube, the original can be found here.

Like Ansel Adams, Anne Geddes also has a humanitarian bent and has completed 12 photographs memorializing “survivors” of the disease meningitis – Neisseria Meningitidis to be exact. The disease exacts a terrible toll on its victims but can largely be prevented with an immunization. Her excerpt about the entire project can be viewed here.

There is also a Tumblr portfolio of the entire project and photographs – all 12 of them can be viewed here.

Meningitis In Children

We’ve done this before but in this case history I won’t make you guess. It was between me and my “professor” many years ago. Attendings and residents both saw clinic patients but residents also had hospital ward rotations. An attending “summoned” me Read more→

Nose Picking In Public a Habit To Break

Dr. Lewis First is chief of pediatrics at Vermont Children’s Hospital and offers down-to-earth advice for parents about how to stop children from picking their noses in public. The nose picking habit – tough to break.