pediatric housecalls Robert R. Jarrett M.D. M.B.A. FAAP

Showing posts from: April 2013

Boys and Body Image

It’s not just for girls any more: worrying about body image and looks. The steady bombardment of advertising and other media images is taking its toll on boys as well – there is a tremendous pressure to look “lean and chisled.”

Parenting Made Easier? 

A link to a blog post about making parenting easier? Well to the extent that reading some fairly simply stated guidelines can make it, here is an interesting example from the University of Arkansas department of pediatrics. Kristin Zolten and Nicholas Long. (parenting-ed website)

Chronic Leg Cramps in Children

[A mother wonders if there is a “second opinion” somewhere to help with her daughters nightly leg cramps which her current doctor doesn’t seem to see as a significant problem.]

Constipation and Soiling in Children

There is a wide range of what is considered "normal" in the stooling (relieving feces) patterns of infants and children.

While the majority of infants, especially bottle fed, have one to three or four stools a day, some breast-fed babies have only one or two stools a week.

Infant Colic

Infant colic is a problem occasionally seen in infants, usually between one and four to six months of age.

Most babies have a “fussy” time during the day, but an infant with colic will draw their legs up on their stomach and cry inconsolably for a short while as if they had a bad stomach ache.

Treating Children’s and Teen’s Colds

[I wrote this article some time ago but it’s even more true today than in those years. The indiscriminate use of antibiotics for viral illnesses is now a major health problem as more and more dangerous bacteria become resistant to even our most powerful antibiotics. Unless this trend stops we will be no better than when almost every family had at least one child die of an infection.] (more…)

Diabetes, Insulin and Exercise: New Findings

Ok, I realize that what I’m going to describe was just a small study; but, this is a big deal for children with type I diabetes (juvenile onset) we need to talk about.

The statistics show that people with type 1 diabetes who are physically active live about 10 years longer than those who are not active. The real bug-a-boo however is that because BOTH insulin and activity will drop blood sugar, balancing food, insulin dosage and activity is a real tap dance!

Allergy (atopy) in infants, children and adolescents

Atopy (allergies) are inherited.  You are born with it!

Well, if that’s the case, then why didn’t it show up at birth? and why don’t all my kids have it? Why does it come and go? and why do allergies change throughout the seasons and the years? and why can you treat it with medicines?

All very good questions!  Let’s answer some of them.
